<新產品> BERRIES PASSION 甜莓莓水果茶 (三角茶包罐裝)(15 teabags)



BERRIES PASSION 甜莓莓水果茶以全新面貌及配方再次出現! Maison Destina 的手調果茶, 茶飲全天然,不加香精及人造糖。 規格: 三角茶包罐裝, 內含15個茶包, 每個茶包淨重約4g 材料: 黑加倫子, 桂花, 紅茶, 士多啤梨, 小紅莓,藍莓 原產地: 德國 雜莓酸甜讓人胃口大開, 消暑解渴, 能促進腸道運動, 有助於消化和促進食慾,配上士多啤梨紅茶香甜濃郁。 桂花味道甘甜芬香,有美白去斑, 促進肌膚光滑有彈性的作用, 加強腸胃功能, 可使心情愉快。 沖茶3步驟: 1) 把茶包放入茶杯中 2) 注入 90°C 熱水, 悶泡 5-8分鐘 3) 可回沖 2 - 3 次或至無味 House Blend Tea by Maison Destina, all natural taste, no artificial favouring or sugar added. A rich blend of blackcurrant, strawberries, and black tea with Osmanthus to give an extraordinary sensation. Content: 15pcs of teabags per tin, net weight 4g per teabag Ingredient: Black currant, osmanthus, black tea, strawberries Country of Origin: Germany The sweet-scented osmanthus can smooths and whiten skin, improves skin elasticity, and sparks joy. Blackcurrants' sweet and sour flavours can relieve heat, help digestion and promote appetite. 3 Easy Steps of Brewing Sensations! STEP 1: Put a tea bag in a cup STEP 2: Pour 90°C water and infuse for 5-8 minutes then serve. STEP 3: Repeat 2 – 3 times for further sensations.

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