QUEEN MALVA 皇后紅茶(三角茶包罐裝)



Maison Destina 特別調配的紅茶 茶飲全天然,不加香精及人造糖。全新密封蓋子設計能夠有效地保存茶葉新鮮度! 規格: 1罐內含12個三角茶包, 每個茶包淨重約 3g 材料: 玫瑰, 士多啤梨, 矢車菊, 紫羅蘭花, 紅茶 原產地:法國 皇后紅茶是特別調製的茶品種,有花香亦有果香,玫瑰花配合少見的紫羅蘭花,促進新陳代謝,改善面部血液循環,增加皮膚水分,延緩皮膚老化。 天然優雅藍色的矢車菊能夠幫助舒緩腸胃不適的症狀,此茶品氣味芬芳可以鎮定心神。 沖茶3步驟: 1) 注入 90°C 熱水, 每茶包可以泡一壺茶 2) 悶泡 3-5分鐘 3) 可回沖 2 - 3 次或至無味。 House Blend Tea by Maison Destina, all natural taste, no artificial favouring or sugar added. A queenly blend of strawberries, black tea, and roses made special by Malva petals and Cornflowers. Truly a blend worthy for a Queen! Content: 1 tin includes 12 teabags, 3g per teabag. Ingredient: Rose, Strawberries, Cornflower, Malva, Black tea Country of Origin: France Rose promotes skin health and has skin whitening effect. Rose encourages blood circulation and returns firmness to the skin. Rose can also regulate hormones which lead to detoxification and slimming effects. 3 Easy Steps of Brewing Sensations! STEP 1: Pour 90°C water over teabag. STEP 2: Infuse for 3 – 5 minutes then serve. STEP 3: Repeat 2 – 3 times for further sensations.
