MASALA CHAI 印度香料紅茶 (三角茶包罐裝)



Maison Destina 的手調紅茶, 茶飲全天然,不加香精及人造糖。全新密封蓋子設計能夠有效地保存茶葉新鮮度! 印度香料茶對印度人而言是居家必備的萬靈寶藥,印度香料茶除了美味可口外,茶裏的豆蔻能夠加強免疫系統和抵抗呼吸道過敏。 可以加奶做成奶茶,享受另一種異國風味。 規格: 1罐內含15個茶包, 每個茶包淨重約 3g 材料: 印度紅茶, 薑粒, 豆蔻, 紅胡椒, 黑丁香, 八角, 肉桂 原產地: 德國 薑、肉桂、茴香、丁香、八角及胡椒除了能提供抗菌的效果,另外也能平衡血糖,強化免疫系統和有紓緩咳嗽、喉痛等呼吸道不適的功效。 配合牛奶能幫助身體排毒,幫助腸胃消化,預防感冒及增強抵抗力。 沖茶3步驟: 1) 注入 95°C 熱水, 每茶包可以泡一杯茶 2) 悶泡 3-5分鐘 (如加奶悶泡 5-8分鐘) 3) 可回沖 2 - 3 次或至無味。 House Blend Tea by Maison Destina, all natural taste, no artificial favouring or sugar added. Indian Masala tea is a timeless favourite for every Indian household. Not only it tastes wonderfully warm, the Cardamom can improves immune system as well as sooth respiratory allergies. One may add milk to enjoy a different kind of sensation. Content: 1 tin includes 15 teabags, each teabag approx 3g Ingredient: Indian black tea, ginger, Cardamom, Red pepper, Black lilac, Star anise, Cinnamon Country of Origin: Germany 3 Easy Steps of Brewing Sensations! STEP 1: Pour 95°C water over teabag. STEP 2: Infuse for 3 – 5 minutes then serve (If goes with milk, infuse for 5 – 8 minutes) STEP 3: Repeat 2 – 3 times for further sensations.

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