MARIGOLD SUNSET 金盞花午後茶(三角茶包罐裝)



“Marigold is a flower that never fades. It's always bright and cheerful.” MARIGOLD SUNSET: 日落時,喝杯茶,懷着滿足的心情回想這一天的快樂。 / 茶材 / 金盞花, 接骨木花, 香蜂葉, 大吉嶺紅茶 茶材法國入口 警告!孕婦不適宜飲用。 / 味道介紹 / “金盞花午後茶” 帶有淡淡的甘味, 有修復和保濕肌膚的作用。 前段| 90⁰ 熱水沖泡3分鐘茶色呈淡黃,金盞花, 接骨木花, 香蜂葉的香氣被泡出,天然淡淡甘甜味。 繼段| 熱水沖泡3-5分鐘,味道轉濃,大吉嶺紅茶味道帶有果香而濃郁。 金盞花也能抗菌,有效預防感冒, 提升身體抵抗力來對抗流感病毒。孕婦不適宜飲用。 / 產品詳情 / 三角茶包罐裝,內含12個茶包,每個茶包淨重約3g。 手調花茶全天然,不加香精及人造糖,不含咖啡因。 / 沖泡指示 / 1) 每個茶包可以泡一杯300ml茶 。 2) 注入 90°C 熱水, 悶泡 3-5分鐘。 3) 可回沖 2 - 3 次或至無味。 House Blend Tea by Maison Destina, all natural taste, no artificial favouring or sugar added. This graceful blend combines darjeeling black tea with exotic marigold and elder flowers. Content: 1 tin includes 12 teabags, approx 3g per teabag Ingredient: Marigold, Elder flower, Lemon balm, Darjeeling black tea Country of Origin: France Warning! Not to be consumed by pregnant woman. Marigold has fresh fragrance, which can repair and moisturise skin. It also has antibacterial effects which boosts immune system to fight against colds and influenza viruses. Not to be consumed by pregnant women. Elder flower can relieve hay fever and sore throat discomforts. Elderflower can improve the immune system to fight against flu virus, promote blood circulation and detoxify body to boost recovery rate. In addition, it can reduce wrinkles, dark spots and acne, moisturise and whiten skin. Lemon balm has a lemony scent that gives people joy, calm restless feelings, and improve sleep quality. Lemon balm can also help digestions and promote sleep. Darjeeling black tea is originally produced in the Darjeeling hilly region of India. It has a fruity and strong flavor which makes this floral tea more aromatic by enhancing the taste. 3 Easy Steps of Brewing Sensations! STEP 1: Each teabag can prepare 1 cup of tea STEP 2: Pour 90°C water and infuse for 3 – 5 minutes then serve. STEP 3: Repeat 2 – 3 times for further sensations.

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