EARL GREY 橙香伯爵茶(三角茶包罐裝)



Maison Destina 特別調配的紅茶 茶飲全天然,不加香精及人造糖。全新密封蓋子設計能夠有效地保存茶葉新鮮度! 伯爵茶是帶有佛手柑油的紅茶,是世界經典名茶之一。Maison Destina 特別添加天然有機橙花,熱水沖泡下令佛手柑及橙花的香氣完美地融入茶中,清新濃厚柑橘氣味散入鼻腔,讓茶的口感層次更豐富,還具有舒緩與放鬆情緒的作用。 規格: 1罐內含15個茶包, 每個茶包淨重約2.5g 材料: 紅茶, 佛手柑, 橙花 原產地:斯里蘭卡 沖茶3步驟: 1) 每個茶包可以泡一杯茶 2) 注入 95°C 熱水, 悶泡 2-3分鐘 3) 可回沖 2 - 3 次或至無味 House blend black tea by Maison Destina. Natural taste, no artificial favouring or sugar added. Earl Grey is a tea blend flavoured with the oil of bergamot, one of the most famous blend in the world. Maison Destina created their own twist by adding orange blossom, further intensify the citrus scent of bergamot. When brewed hot, the steam will bring out the fruity scent of this blend, which could have calming effect to the drinker. Content: 1 tin includes 15 teabags, approx 2.5g net weight per teabag. Ingredient: Black Tea, Bergamot, Orange Blossom Country of Origin: Sri Lanka 3 Easy Steps of Brewing Sensations! STEP 1: Put teabag into tea cup or tea pot. STEP 2: Pour 95°C water and infuse for 2-3 minutes then serve. STEP 3: Repeat 2 – 3 times for further sensations.

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